
The JavaScript Cooking Book

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The JavaScript Cooking Book

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✨ This book is designed to help you acquire the essential skills and knowledge you need to jumpstart your career as a JavaScript developer 🧑‍💻

Welcome to the comprehensive guide to learning JavaScript! This book is designed to help you acquire the essential skills and knowledge you need to jumpstart your career as a JavaScript developer. Whether you are a complete beginner or have some experience with coding, this book will take you on a journey through the basics of JavaScript and its key features.

🧑‍🎓 What you will learn

In this book, you will learn everything you need to know about JavaScript, including its syntax, data types, operators, control structures, functions, arrays, objects, and more. This book will provide you with hands-on experience, from simple scripts to complex applications.

✔️ Understand the types in JavaScript

✔️ Understand arithmetic operations in JavaScript

✔️ Working with mathematic functions in JavaScript

✔️ Working with strings and functions to manipulate them in JavaScript

✔️ Working with conditional statements in JavaScript

✔️ Understanding Arrays in JavaScript

✔️ Working with the different Array functions in JavaScript

✔️ Learning to use a Set in JavaScript

✔️ Learning to use a Map in JavaScript

✔️ Learning about number formatting in JavaScript

✔️ Learning about date formatting in JavaScript

✔️ Understanding Promises in JavaScript

✔️ Understanding async/await in JavaScript

✔️ Understanding the prototype in JavaScript

✔️ Understanding this, bind, call, and apply in JavaScript

✔️ Working with template literals in JavaScript

✔️ Understanding how to iterate object properties in JavaScript

✔️ Understanding closures in JavaScript

By the end of this book, you will have a solid foundation in JavaScript programming, and you will be ready to tackle more advanced topics and projects. Whether you are interested in freelancing, working for a company, or pursuing a career in web development, this book will provide you with the skills and confidence you need to succeed. So, get ready to learn, code, and launch your JavaScript career!

If you purchase this book, you will get a digital PDF version and also an EPUB version that you can send to your kindle for free!

💭 What people are saying

Antonio Cobos, Engineer @ RedSys

Sara Ortiz., Learning JavaScript

Rafa Rivas, IT Manager @ Evidenze

🥰 The Author

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You will learn everything you need to know about JavaScript, including its syntax, data types, operators, control structures, functions, arrays, objects, and more.

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